Chelsea White

Chelsea White
Chelsea White is a Northeastern transplant who lives in the Fort Worth area with her husband and three children. She's been a writer for as long as she can remember, and also enjoys sewing clothes for herself and her family, reading, and being outside.

Classic Fall Fashion Trends and Mindful Shopping Tips

Fall fashion — a case for underconsumption; this is not your average fall fashion article. As soon as the public pool closes, school is...

9 Meal Prep Breakfast Ideas to Start the School Year Strong

The elders in your life may not be right about everything but they’re right about one thing (now consistently backed up by research): Breakfast...
reduce single-use plastics recycle

13 Ways to Ditch Single-use Plastic

Our oceans — and our bodies! — are filling up with plastics. It’s estimated that by the year 2050, there will be more plastic...
Dinosaur Toddler Activity

Summer Activities for Preschool and Elementary Aged Kids

Summer is long with young children and if you’re looking to avoid excess screen time, here are some summer activities to keep your preschool...