Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!
Supporting a Grieving Friend: 5 Practical Ways You Can Actually Help
I truly don’t believe people have bad intentions. I believe most people just simply don’t know what to do. I’m not writing this post for sympathy or to make anyone in my life feel like they haven’t done enough. I’ve been surrounded by love and comfort, and I know that “my people” have done and offered what they thought I needed or what they were capable of offering, and I truly appreciate them for it.
What I am trying to do is help others in a way that would make my brother proud. Patrick was a fierce friend. I’m hoping that through this pain, I can at least deliver something useful to others, and in doing so, a little of Patrick’s spirit can live on in many other friendships. I genuinely hope no one in your life has to go through anything like this. But in the event it happens, here are some practical ideas on how to be there for a grieving friend.
Learning the Hard Way: My Ectopic Pregnancy Story
My husband and I convinced ourselves that we were “not, not trying” to get pregnant the first time around. To be honest, I don’t remember if this was when I started with the apps or the repeat testing. I don’t even remember the moment I got the positive result, or who we told first. I do remember going camping with friends and the bleeding that started while out in the woods. I remember the heartbreak when after being told breakthrough bleeding was normal. I remember returning day after day to test my HCG levels and when the doctor told us we were miscarrying. He told us eventually my HCG levels would drop and we could try again. I had to look that one up, too: HCG levels and the early miscarriage.
Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby
I never learned anything at all about sex from my parents.
I learned from public school, friends, boyfriends, and the internet (although I didn’t have internet until college, so that tells you how much I had to learn when I was older). What I did learn from my parents is how not to handle talking to your kids about sex. I grew up embarrassed about sex with no one to ask about it but my peers and I think we can all imagine how that turned out.
5 Simple Steps to Spread Positive Vibes and Change our Culture of Grumpiness
It’s true that negative attitudes are contagious. It’s also true that positive, kind people can light the way and help turn things around. I am not naive enough to think that we can transform every Negative Nancy into a sun-shiny Pollyanna, but I do believe there are a few simple tricks we can follow to help turn the tide of crankiness that’s been taking over.
The Sweet Side of Special Needs
Special needs. Those weren’t words that I was thinking about when I saw my son for the first time on the ultrasound screen.