Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!
How to Instill Gratitude in Your Kids
Don’t get me wrong, my kids are good kids — even though they might sound spoiled right now! They’re kind and well-behaved, and generally, I’m proud of them. But gratitude? They have trouble with that one. They’re rarely just grateful for what they have. They always want more.
Your Big Kid Still Needs a Booster (Yes, Really!)
Children who are riding using only a seat belt before it fits them properly are at significantly increased risk of injury and death -around 60% higher.
Parenting in a Villageless Society
Although there are many wonderful and exciting things about military life, being a new parent or parenting very young children on your own is not one of them. Military moms are forced to create new villages at a time when we are particularly vulnerable and in need of an already established community. Mothers, even those who are resilient or self-reliant, are not immune to the stressors of finding our way as new parents in a new environment.
Mom Sneakers for Fall: Our 3 Favorite Shoe Styles This Season
Thank goodness we’re in an era where sneakers are trendy, and there are currently a lot of great options out there! Your kids aren’t the only ones who should have something new for back-to-school. If you’re in need of some new kicks, check out these options!
I’m A Yeller
I often think back to my perfect parenting days, you know, before I had kids and knew just what kind of parent I was going to be. I knew that I was going to be the parent that remained calm in the midst of my children’s tantrums. Who would respond with a zen-like manner when they misbehaved. My kids, in turn, were also going to be calm, controlled. It was going to be great.