Tag: healthy habits
Battling Body Image :: Guiding Your Daughter Through the Middle School...
Then something happened that dragged me right back out onto the battlefield; only this time I wasn't in the fight. I was merely a spectator, but the pain cut just as deep.
Nutrition :: Just Add Sprinkles – Episode 56
Join Steph and Michelle as they chat nutrition! In March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietitians hosts National Nutrition Month®. This year's theme, Personalize Your Plate, promotes creating nutritious meals to meet individuals' cultural and personal food preferences.
3 Simple Habits for Happy, Healthy Moms
Fitness Expert and MOM, Kacey Luvi shares with CMBN readers how making ONE behavior change can increase your chances of succeeding at that goal is 80%!
My Health is in My Hands: February is Heart Month
Go Red For Women raises awareness of the danger that heart disease poses to women and helps empower women to make choices to reduce their personal risk. February is Heart Month, and we can all be a part of the solution for heart disease. By spreading awareness to the women you love, you are helping to save lives.
Still Standing: 10 Healthy Habits for a Happy Marriage
We’re not perfect, but we’re perfectly paired. Ten years feels like a lifetime, and yet at the same time it doesn’t. We’re still young in marriage but feeling a bit older, and hopefully a bit wiser. And as I continue to reflect on the road we’ve traveled thus far, one thing is clear: I got the better end of the deal.