Tag: kids
5 Must-Know Tips for Moms to Survive the Cold & Flu...
There might not be anything worse than hearing a little baby struggle with a stuffy nose and congestion. Those sounds likely make us as...
Autism: Wonderful Humans, Wired Differently
Our teenage son still enjoys watching Peppa Pig. He still jumps up from the breakfast table to watch the garbage truck. He sometimes watches...
5 Ways to Survive Winter with Little Kids
I feel like I'm a better mom in the summertime. Sure, winter can be nice for a day or two -- around the holidays,...
Football is for Everyone
Football season is here, and no sport or activity has the ability to bring together people of all ages, genders and physical abilities quite...
Mom Must-Reads :: Week of June 18
Want to know what other moms are reading about? We've pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!
I Have...
Living With Eczema: Raising Awareness and Support For Atopic Dermatitis
One in three children with Atopic Dermatitis has some version of the disease. Sumycotton, a clothing brand, helps support those suffering with Eczema.
The Clashing Needs of Motherhood
You see, before I had kids my plans were very rarely thwarted. I could wake up in the morning, make a plan and nearly will it into existence. My needs were nearly always the greatest director of my days. Now post kids, plans look a bit different these days.
The 5 Benefits of Summer Camp
Believe it or not... Summer is just around the corner, and moms everywhere are beginning to prep and plan for the dog days ahead. Today we are teaming up with our friends at Children's Learning Adventure to discuss the many benefits of Summer camp!
7 Favorite Books For Kids
"I love to read! One of my goals as a mom is to raise readers. The best way to do that is to read to my kids. Here are 7 books for kids that we read again and again and again..."
An Open Letter to My Second, Unborn Child
You might not be my first, but I promise I’ll love you just as much as I love your brother, and that I’ll feel exactly the same way I did when he was born: wondering how terribly boring and meaningless our lives must’ve been without you in it.