Ashley Hamershock

Ashley Hamershock
Ashley Hamershock is a longtime reporter and editor who has worked for various newspapers, magazines and other organizations, including a decade at The Associated Press. She has covered presidents, CEOs and celebrities from Dolly Parton to the Dalai Lama. When time allows, she takes on freelance projects through her small business: And no matter how busy life gets, she makes time for family, friends and frequent travel.

Schools Closed? The Mega List of Sanity-Saving Ideas for Families

Schools are closed. Restaurants are closed. Libraries are closed. Stores are closed. Entertainment spots are closed. No play dates. No real dates. Just four walls and our families. I'm not going to sugar coat it,...
Family Road Trip - Winding Road

The Family Road Trip: Tips & Tricks

The family road trip. An American tradition. Pack everyone and everything into the station wagon, er, SUV and hit the open road. Sure, you could take a flight. But getting there is half the fun. Our...

The Level-Headed Moms’ Guide to Coronavirus

We are moms. As news of the novel coronavirus migrates from overseas reports to letters from our local school districts and doctors’ offices, moms join the frontline against germs. But we do not panic. Moms are...
Stop Watch

Show-Up Parenting: You Get Credit for 10 Minutes

It’s party day in your child’s classroom and you just-don’t-have-two-hours for that. You have laundry, dishes and maybe even a paid job. Pssssttttt…. What if I told you that you get credit for 10...

Experience Gifts: The Key to a Simpler Christmas?

I long for a simpler Christmas. The days of opening a few gifts and spending time together. My husband, on the other hand, derives great joy from giving lots of presents. He squirrels everything...
Black Friday

Black Friday: The Year a Husband Went Solo

Black Friday isn’t my thing. I’m not a shopper. (Anyone with me?!?) I still have clothes in my closet from bygone college days. We keep our furniture until we need a chiropractor to fix...