Elizabeth Baker

Elizabeth Baker
Elizabeth was raised in Houston and met her husband Ryan shortly after graduating from Texas A&M with a journalism degree. A few years later, Grayson {Sept 2010}, turned Elizabeth’s world upside down, not only with his sparkling blue eyes and killer smile, but with his profound disabilities and diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disease. After two years of navigating the world of special needs parenting, Elizabeth and Ryan were blessed with Charlotte {Jan 2013} and Nolan {Sept 2015}, perfectly completing their party of five. Elizabeth and her crew live in Katy, Texas, and when she can steal a few moments for herself, she can be found out for Mexican food and margaritas with girlfriends, binge-listening to podcasts and audiobooks, or trying once again {unsuccessfully} to organize her closet. In addition to her role with City Mom Collective, Elizabeth is the Managing Editor for Houston Moms. You can connect with Elizabeth on Facebook, Instagram or elizabethkbaker.com.

Happy Cows Make Better Milkshakes + Best Vanilla Milkshake Recipe

Summer is all about making memories with our families. When I think about my own childhood summers, I remember hours and hours at the pool, visiting the library for stacks of novels to devour,...
two women sit on couch with baby

Pride Month Resources to Love and Support the LGBTQ Community

June is Pride Month, a special 30 days marked to celebrate and support the LGBTQ community. City Mom Collective's Sister Sites provide a wealth of resources for anyone wanting to learn more about this...
softball player with facemask holds softball

Protecting the Mental Health of Kids in Competitive Sports

The devastating headlines keep coming. Elite collegiate athletes are dying by suicide at alarming rates. Famliy and friends of these athletes site the enormous pressure these young people face to excel at their sport...

Ask a Doctor | 5 Questions Moms are Asking about the COVID-19 Vaccine

We have been living with COVID-19 for over two years now. And in many ways, our families are getting back to some version of normal life. Since COVID vaccines are widely available, many of...

Making a Difference: How Moms Can Help Relief Efforts in Ukraine

We have seen the headlines, scrolled through the social media posts, and discussed it with our friends and family. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has dominated much of our collective attention for the past...

We Can Do This: Where to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine in Your Community

Moms, now that the new year is in full swing, does your to-do list feel as never-ending as ever? We don’t get a break after the busyness of the holiday season, do we? Our...

We Can Do This: Facts for Parents on COVID-19 Vaccines

“Mom, when is COVID going to be over?” my disappointed six-year-old cried into my shoulder after I broke the news that we wouldn’t be traveling to his grandparents’ house for the weekend as previously...

Collectively Curated: How to Celebrate Diwali with Your Family

Part of raising kids who recognize and celebrate diversity is teaching them about faiths and celebrations from cultures different from their own. While most American kids know and celebrate seasonal holidays like Halloween and...