Tag: memories

September 11th: Why I Will Never Forget

Tuesday September 11, 2001. Most adults remember where they were on this fateful morning. This is my family's story... I kiss my husband goodbye. There is a beautiful crystal clear sky as I drive to work on the Garden State Parkway heading towards NYC. Andy makes his way to work on the 38th floor of the South Tower in the World Trade Center. We are newlyweds, only married 6 weeks, enjoying our new life in and around the city. The view of the Twin Towers is amazing.

Vacation vs. Adventure

"Squashing my perfectionistic type A personality is hard, but I’m working at it. Misadventures often make the best memories and stories later, right?"

A Guide To Pregnancy

City Moms Blog Network along with our sister sites across the country share stories of pregnancy. Whether it's your first pregnancy or your last, becoming a mom is worthy of celebrating. Hear stories from soon-to-be moms!

Wrap It Up! {Creative Holiday Wrapping Tips}

We all know how the saying goes, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. While that’s a great rule to live by in general, when it comes to gift giving, I find myself focusing more on the presentation of the gift than the gift itself.

Lessons From My Father… Revisited

When I spoke at my father’s eulogy, I recounted the key lessons he taught me that I hoped to teach my kids.

Dealing With Motherhood Without Your Mom

Five years ago when I was 3 months pregnant with my first daughter, my mom passed away. Just like that, she was gone. It was the worst day of my life, it felt like the world caved in on me. What was supposed to be the happiest time of my life was clouded by the sad realization that I was going to experience motherhood without the person I needed the most by my side. I naturally always imagined that she would be there when I had my own children, it was unbearable to accept the fact that I had to do this without her.

CMBN Ultimate Baby Registry 2015 :: Making Memories

Disclosure :: This is a sponsored post brought to you by Lucy Darling Shop and Pearhead. Every last one of these recommendations has the...