Spring is in the air. The birds are chirping, spring break is on the horizon, and it is still light outside when my daughter and I walk outside after evening dance class. As a Midwestern mom, this is what I look forward to every winter. I can feel the winter blues melting away with the snow.
Now comes the fun part. How will I entertain the kids this spring? When it is warmer and brighter outside, the options feel endless compared to the cold, dark winter months. My kids range in age from elementary schooler to toddler, and it’s important that everyone is having fun. These five activities are fun for the whole family!
1. Play car (or bike) wash
It’s that time of year when all of the outdoor toys need to come out of the garage or shed, so why not make a game of cleaning everything? My kids love any chance to play with the hose, so add in a bucket of soapy water and some sponges, and they have easy outdoor entertainment. Kids can wash their bikes, scooters, the Cozy Coupe, or even a real car if you are up for it.
2. Go for a family walk
This is as simple as it sounds, but it’s one of my kids’ favorite things to do as a family. They love hopping on their scooters or bikes and going around the block a few times. If you have stroller-aged kids, bring some snacks for them, and pop in your earbuds and listen to a podcast!
3. Encourage the kids to play in nature
Depending on where you live, this could be an activity for the backyard, or it might require a trip to the park. My kids love to pick up sticks, pull weeds, and water the flowers in our own yard, but they also love to explore nature at our local parks too.
4. Play with chalk
Opening a new box of chalk in the spring is the equivalent of opening a new box of crayons in the fall. So exciting! Drawing on the driveway is always fun, but in recent years my kids have enjoyed playing hopscotch, and this year I think we’ll introduce four square too.
5. Have relaxation time
My seven year old loves laying back in a zero gravity chair with a pair of sunglasses and some “relaxing music,” as she calls it. Spotify has a “Disney Classical” playlist that is perfect for this, and I set up my phone for her so she can listen while she relaxes. My kids also love to read books outside, and it gives me an opportunity to read too!