If you haven't done so already, I would encourage you to think about this tough subject. Invest in the hard work and time to determine who would step in. Think about who would make an unthinkable situation okay for your children.
In this issue of Mom Must-Haves, we are sharing with you our favorite back-to-school products for MOMS, hand-selected by moms!
The moms at City Moms Blog Network shed light to some of the many "lessons" learned from breastfeeding and share what they wished they would have known!

Your Hands Are Full.

Go forth, be kind, and kill the phrase, 'Your hands are full.' Kill it with kindness. Or fire. Your call.
Ever dream of having a robot to clean your home or being able to control things in your home with a simple verbal command? Here are six quick home improvement projects to make a significant impact in my family's everyday routine.
"Ultimately, ALL moms have 1 thing in common: whether it's breast or bottle, expressed or formula - they are doing the best they can to get their little one what he/she needs."
City Moms Blog Network Announces First International Site: Military Moms Blog Much-needed resource for military families first to take community-sourced blogging beyond the border July 13, 2017 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. While serving our country domestically or abroad, military family life can be...
City Moms Blog Network welcomes new sister site Military Moms Blog into our rapidly growing sisterhood of locally-focused parenting resources.
In this issue of Mom Must-Haves, we are sharing with you our favorite kitchen tools, hand-selected by moms, for moms!


"Perhaps #boymom is innocent enough... or perhaps it is just another way we inadvertently perpetuate gender stereotypes in a day and age where we claim to want to break them down."

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