Ever dream of having a robot to clean your home or being able to control things in your home with a simple verbal command? Well I’m happy to report that technology is making life easier, and things like this are possible and in many cases even affordable!
Here are six quick improvement projects that have made a significant impact in my family’s everyday routine:
- Motion Sensor Light Switches – These switches can be super helpful when your hands are full or dirty, and as a mom, that’s 99.9% of the time! When we started potty training our toddler, we added a motion sensor light switch in our main downstairs bathroom, so there was less likelihood of germy hands touching a very public surface.
- Keyless Entry Locks – We installed a keyless entry door knob the day after our kiddo locked me in the garage at 6am. No joke. When our toddler was almost two, he had just learned to lock doors, but didn’t yet have the dexterity to unlock. I stepped out into the garage to put a diaper in the trash and click- he had locked me out. I ended up having to climb the fence into our backyard and throw a soccer ball at the master bedroom window to wake my husband, who somehow was sleeping through the major tear-fest our son was having because mommy was outside. Needless to say this is probably one of the best investments we’ve made to our home.
- Home Assistants or Automation Devices – Google Home, Amazon Dot, Xbox Kinect… any of these home automation devices are incredibly helpful, especially if you have your hands full with kiddos. As a nursing and pumping mom when I say, “Hey Google, Living Room lights to 5%” or “Xbox go to Netflix” or “Alexa, play nursery rhymes” and things magically happen without me getting up or trying to find a free hand, I am in a very happy place!
- Smart Lightbulbs – I will be the first to admit I was skeptical and against spending around $15 a light bulb, but now with a toddler and a newborn I wouldn’t want to live without these lights. These lights (we use the Philip Hue bulbs) are app controlled; you can set up groups of lights (such as all your entry lights) or control them individually. And depending on brand, if you have a Google Home or Amazon Dot or use Siri on your iPhone, you can control them by voice!
- Smart Thermostat – Like the smart lights, these thermostats are app controlled and can be voice controlled using certain home automation devices and assistants. Since we installed the thermostat, our energy bill has gone down and we have greatly enjoyed being able to adjust the temperature of our home while we are out and about. We have the thermostat set to have the house cool by the time we arrive home from work but if someone gets off early or we end up meeting up with friends for happy hour, we can use the app to change the time of when the house temperature should be adjusted. Also, bonus if APS or SRP is your energy provider because both offer a $75 rebate for registering your qualifying Smart Thermostat!
- Robotic Vacuum – I mentioned robots cleaning the house, right? Well a robot vacuum like a Roomba is the answer! These vacuums are fully automated, programmable, and can even come wifi connected. Wouldn’t you like to wake up to clean floors and in exchange only have to empty the vacuum’s dust pan so it can happen again the next night… or even after lunch?!
Have you implemented any of these (or other) home improvements to make your life easier? What has had the most impact for you? Share with us below in the comments.
Contributing Sister Site and Author

About {Katie}
Katie and her husband have called North Phoenix home since 2009. Katie is fully embracing boy mom life, as the mother to an energetic 3 year old who is known to introduce himself by saying “Hi, my name is Colton, I have fast shoes.” Katie is also welcoming a brand new baby boy scheduled to make his arrival mid-April 2017. In her spare time you will find Katie searching out the best deals for anything and everything or trying out new apps, software, and products that will increase her efficiency so she has more time to partake in her favorite activities: relaxing with her boys, taking power naps, and learning new skills! As someone who loves school and plans to be a lifelong learner Katie received her Bachelor of Science in Individualized Studies: Business & Marketing Education from Central Washington University in 2008 and then continued her studies at the University of Arizona where she obtained her Master’s in Higher Education with an emphasis in Access & Success in 2010. While working at ITT Technical Institute Katie was able to earn her MBA in 2012. She is an educational professional with almost 10 years experience in Career and Technical Education and Higher Education. She is passionate about assisting individuals in gaining success through access to education and career opportunities.
Katie is a contributor for North Phoenix Moms Blog, one of our Sister Sites.