Tag: motherhood

Navigating Motherhood Without Your Mom

Five years ago when I was 3 months pregnant with my first daughter, my mom passed away. Just like that, she was gone. It was the worst day of my life, it felt like the world caved in on me. What was supposed to be the happiest time of my life was clouded by the sad realization that I was going to experience motherhood without the person I needed the most by my side. I naturally always imagined that she would be there when I had my own children, it was unbearable to accept the fact that I had to do this without her.

5 Must-Know Tips for Moms to Survive the Cold & Flu...

There might not be anything worse than hearing a little baby struggle with a stuffy nose and congestion. Those sounds likely make us as...

You’re Doing Better Than You Think

The Christmas decorations are finally boxed away for another year. And a new year and decade are finally underway. Saying happy new year feels...

Tips and Tricks To Simplify Your Life

Do you ever dream of simpler times? I don’t know how it happened. We have dishwashers, washing machines, smart phones, robotic vacuums, wash-and-wear clothes, air...

Finding Your Village: Why Mom Friendships Matter in Parenting

“Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same...

9 Meal Prep Breakfast Ideas to Start the School Year Strong

The elders in your life may not be right about everything but they’re right about one thing (now consistently backed up by research): Breakfast...

Making Friends is Hard But I’m Not Giving Up

I am not good at making new friends. I’m pretty good at being a friend. The friends I do have, I keep. But putting myself...

A Plan For the After-School Blues

The school bus rounds the corner. Your car inches forward in the pick-up line. The clock ticks toward the time of day when parents...

Anxiety Management: 6 Tips for Finding Peace as a Mom

Managing anxiety as a mom can be a real challenge. Social media tells us everything from "do it all perfectly and make it match...

The Secret to Entrepreneurship and Motherhood

In my 10+ years of being an entrepreneur, I've found that one thing has emerged as my must-have for entrepreneurship and motherhood success -...