Meet Rebekah, Our St. Louis Moms Blog Owner
Kids :: One girl (20 months old) and one baby due in January 2019!
Day In 5 Words :: Prayer. Goldfish. Storytime. Rewarding. Bedtime.
Major Life Influence :: My own mother. From everything from parenting to marriage to faith, my mom is often the first person I’ll turn to for advice and for a listening ear! She’s the jam!
Go-To Mom Hack :: Sleep sacks are saviours!
Biggest Guilty Pleasure :: Cookie Dough Ice Cream and Netflix on a Saturday night
Favorite Vacation Spot :: Paris, France! I lived there for three years, met and married my husband there, and our daughter was born there! It was a wonderful place to start our life together, and it’s a dream of a city to visit and live in!
The most rewarding thing about being part of City Moms Blog Network…
Connecting with our team of Contributing Writers and getting diverse perspectives on motherhood has been a breath of fresh air!
Meet Kate, Our St. Louis Moms Blog Owner
Kids :: 1 Daughter (age 4) and 1 Son (age 3)
Day In 5 Words :: Coffee. Snacks. Naps. Playtime. Cuddles.
Major Life Influence :: Friends that were moms before me! They let me practice on their kids. (Is that bad to say?)
Go-To Mom Hack :: Never underestimate the entertaining power of things you already have in your house.
Biggest Guilty Pleasure :: Sending my non-napping 4 year old to her room with her tablet so I can nap in peace.
Favorite Vacation Spot :: Hilton Head, SC
What Every Mom Should Know About St. Louis, MO
The violence and crime in St. Louis is in small, concentrated pockets and not widely found across the Greater St. Louis Area.
Many of our amazing resources are FREE! St. Louis Zoo, St. Louis Art Museum, St Louis Science Center, and the list goes on!
All roads seem to cross through St. Louis. It’s a large city with a small-town kind of feel!
We experience all four seasons because of our central location! Red leaves in Autumn, Snow and ice in Winter, beautiful blooms in Spring, and hot muggy nights in the Summer!
Gooey butter cake really is the most delicious dessert you’ll ever eat!