Back-to-School Promises for Mom’s Sanity


This is my first year with three kids in some kind of school. Sure, one of them is in a baby school, but if you have a school supply list, back-to-school night and folder for artwork, it counts. Back to school this year brings us much-needed routine, but also fear for the logistics of solo parenting when my husband is out of town. Three drop-off times, three backpacks, three lunches on not enough coffee.
Being the Type A mom that I am, my Google calendar is ready and I’ve made promises to myself to survive (maybe even enjoy?) this school year.

Sanity-Saving Promises

I will get up before the kids.

This has proven to be challenging with my refuse-to-nighttime-wean infant. It means I have to basically give up my laying on the couch with the hubs time to go to bed early. And, I HATE that. But what I hate more is a frantic morning where I am yelling at everyone to hurry up. I set my alarm half an hour before the herd awakens to make coffee, get myself completely ready for work and maybe read The Skimm.

I will pack the backpacks the night before, no matter how tired I am.

With three kids in three different places and three different lunch and snack requirements, packing the night before to nauseating detail keeps us sane. I pack the lunches, prepare the bottles, fill the water and milk cups and count out the diapers. If I’m feeling ambitious, I even pack the car before going to bed. 

I will not be a breakfast snob.

I am not above a sugar-filled granola bar eaten in a carseat. I’ll try to make good on my visions of overnight oatmeal or frozen breakfast burritos but if we arrive at school on time with Pop-Tart crumbs all down our shirts, I’ll consider it a win. 

I will bow down to the after-school meltdown.

Speaking of those granola bars, my car will be stocked with them for the after school snack. Our schools are within 10 minutes of our house but I will no longer underestimate the power of 3 p.m. hunger. I won’t take it personally when everyone’s answer to “how was your day?” is “fine.” I will wait until dinner time for any real answers. I will come home, park them in front of a coloring book or TV show and allow them the decompress time we all need. 

I will give more than I feel, but not more than I have.

At Back-to-School Night when all the sign-ups for all the things start circulating, I will write my name down even though I really just want to make a loud case about being too busy. I’ll find meaningful ways to participate but also be OK with being a Plates and Cups mom or just the mom who has the baby and the toddler who knows her limits.

There are so many school years ahead, all needing parties to be hosted, auctions to be coordinated, drop-off tears to be dried and so many granola bars I can’t even count. Maybe pacing myself and giving grace for imperfect days will mean we all make it to high school graduation (mostly) sane.

How about you? Is your family enjoying the return to schedules, to-do lists, and structure? Any sanity-saving tips you could add to the list?

Contributing Sister Site and Author

About {Author}

Sarah, co-owner of the Kansas City Moms Blog, is mama to Henry, 5, Clark, 2, and new baby Lucy. After growing up in Manhattan, Kansas (go Cats!), she moved to Minnesota where she met her husband, Shea. Realizing how much she hated snow in May, she convinced him to move to Kansas City in 2010. Sarah has a master’s in public administration and works part-time as a content strategist for a medical association. Her favorites include sweet tea, running half marathons, traveling and Gilmore Girls re-runs.