Tag: parenting
Maternity Leave Bucket List For Baby #2
One of the first things I learned when I had my daughter is that nothing can prepare you for those first few weeks postpartum. No one tells you how much of a sleep-deprived, hormonal mess you are. You ride the waves and manage to keep swimming, but it isn’t until you get through it that you realize you weren’t fully functioning as a human being.
Finding Your Village: Why Mom Friendships Matter in Parenting
“Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same...
9 Meal Prep Breakfast Ideas to Start the School Year Strong
The elders in your life may not be right about everything but they’re right about one thing (now consistently backed up by research): Breakfast...
A Plan For the After-School Blues
The school bus rounds the corner. Your car inches forward in the pick-up line. The clock ticks toward the time of day when parents...
Countering Me-Culture: It Starts in the Home
“Little eyes are watching.” As parents, we are all too aware. It’s why we practice manners at the dinner table. It’s why we scoop...
Finding Divine Beauty in Age Gaps
Age gaps can be divine.
I am a mom of five, which means we have a significant age gap between our eldest and our youngest....
60 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Families
Summer is just around the corner, and for moms everywhere, it's not just a season – it's an adventure waiting to happen!
As the days...
To My Kids on Father’s Day: A Tribute to My Dad...
There are so many ways to be a good dad. I pray that you always know what we’ve been given in my dad and also in yours.
5 Tips for Parenting Kids with ADHD During Summer
As a psychologist and a mom parenting a child with ADHD, summer brings a mix of emotions. The school setting is not always the easiest fit for kids with ADHD brains. Homework battles, lost assignments, and calls home can be stressful for them and for parents. I breathe a sigh of relief when the end of May rolls around!
At the same time, summer brings with it less structure and routine, which can turn summer relaxation into a behavioral challenge.
Here are a few tips that have helped us survive in the summer wild west.
My Hands Are Full. The Best Kind Of Full.
Our hands are full of these sweet precious gifts called children whom we have the opportunity and privilege of raising up to change the world.