Brightpeak Financial :: Is Your New Year’s Resolution SMART? {Sponsored Post}


The New Year, New Mom series is brought to you thanks to the wonderful folks at Brightpeak Financial – A division of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, a membership organization of Christians.

Ashley-Haugen-brightpeak-2By Ashley Haugen

The noisemakers are sitting quietly back in their boxes and the sparkling wine has lost its fizz. New Year’s celebrations have come and gone, but has your resolution stuck around?

According to the University of Scranton, about 45% of all Americans make New Year’s resolutions, however only 8% of those people are successful in achieving their resolutions. Not a pretty statistic, is it? After reading that, it’s almost enough to throw in the towel before you even start. After all, the odds are against us, right?

Depends on how you define success. I prefer to look at this statistic instead: according to a Journal of Clinical Psychology study, people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to successfully change their behavior than those who do not. Note it doesn’t say anything about actually achieving a resolution – just positive movement towards a wanted change.

That’s huge. Making change is hard to do – especially when you’re either trying to break a bad habit, or establish a new, healthy one. So, just by setting a New Year’s resolution, you can move closer to achieving your goal – whether it happens this year or in years to come.

How can you achieve your goals faster?

One of the main reasons why resolutions fail is because the end-goal wasn’t well thought-out in the first place. It’s easy to say, “save more money,” when the ball drops, but do you know how you’re actually going to start saving more money?

There’s a great way to set yourself up for success rather than failure this year – establish SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) goals when setting your resolution.

Learn exactly how to set SMART goals and stick to your resolution by downloading brightpeak’s free eBook: RESOLVE: A Guide to Accomplishing Your Goals. It’s all about empowering yourself to set goals for self-improvement with tips, activities, and links to helpful resources so that you can stay on track.

Download for free by clicking HERE.


Ashley is passionate about saving money for when she needs it. Please remember that post contains Ashley’s opinions doesn’t necessarily speak for brightpeak financial. The legal department’s teleprompter says we also have to tell you that this post is only meant to motivate you to take a look at your finances and decide on a strategy that works for your situation.

New_Year_New_Mom_LogoNew Year, New Mom Giveaways and Twitter Party

It is safe to say, with the coming of the New Year, moms worldwide take time to reflect on the prior year and resolve to make changes enabling them to be better moms, wives, homemakers, friends, daughters, and the list goes on and on. At City Moms Blog Network, we want to make completing your resolutions just a bit easier in 2015 with our New Year, New Mom series of resolution inspiration posts complete with related giveaways!

Our New Year, New Mom series will be capped off with a Twitter Party brought to you by our friends at Brightpeak Financial, on Thursday, January 15th at 8:00pm CST. Brightpeak Financial will be providing tips on how to save in the New Year as well as awarding a fabulous list of prizes throughout the hour party!

We hope you’ll join us for this series and be sure to follow #NewYearNewMom and #BrightpeakSAVINGS!