Mom Must-Reads :: Week of November 19


Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

A Thank You To My Mother-In-Law

My mother-in-law is a great mother. She (and my father-in-law) taught my husband, her baby, how to love and how to be respectful. And as a result of that, my husband is an amazing father to our children. If I can have half of the qualities that my MIL has, then I’ll be okay. Not all mothers-in-law are great, but at the very least they deserve some respect because after all, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have our spouses and for that I am thankful. So thank you, Ma, for being the amazing mother, grandma and mother-in-law that you are.

Formula Feeders, You Don’t Owe Anyone an Explanation 

I knew from the start that formula would be part, if not all, of our baby’s diet. I’d read enough of the baby-feeding Internet to know that some people would judge my decision. I also found great support and resources for formula feeders that helped me feed my child with confidence. And although I hadn’t prepared those words that I spoke — they just popped out of my mouth — I knew they’d be the only explanation I needed if someone ever asked again.

“Because that’s what she eats.”

My Name is Kate, and I’m An Addict.

I left the hospital the day after he was born and went to get high. It numbed the pain of a child lying in a hospital. A child I knew I could not keep. When I left, he was ok. A day later, I went back to meet the adoptive parents and introduce them to their son and he was withdrawing from the drugs that I had put in his body. I was so selfish to do that to that baby boy.  I felt awful and just wanted to use.

The Day I Took My Rings Off

Back when we were talking about getting engaged, we would spend Sundays in South Florida wandering around the fancy outdoor malls they have, looking in the windows at Tiffany & Co. and Harry Winston and daydreaming about our future life together. That, of course, included the perfect ring, the perfect three children, the perfect dog, the perfectly cute home in the perfect neighborhood, the perfect schools and perfect vacations we’d take together, resulting in the perfect Christmas card. When you get engaged, all you want is the prettiest ring, the most fun and beautiful wedding, and then an amazing life together. And all you are thinking of when you walk down the aisle is the “for better.”

A few years in, reality takes over. The “for worse” creeps in. 

When You Are Cast Off the Mom Tribe Island 

Working with women for most of my career, I learned in my early twenties that dialogue is essential to meaningful relationships. When disagreements or misunderstandings arise, you talk about it and you don’t let it linger. This was now a lingering awkward mess. At least to me that is what it felt like. 

What were some of your favorite posts from our Sister Sites this week?