It's hard to look down at the huge incision that was made to birth your baby, and know that it's a permanent battle scar. Take heart mama, you are not alone. Treat it like a trophy, and embrace it!
With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, it is very easy as a mom to get wrapped up in to-do lists, place settings and all the things, while truly forgetting the reason for the season.

To My Son’s Birth Mother

"What do you say to someone you’ve never met but is giving you love and life?"
The day after Thanksgiving is a great day to kick off the holiday season! For many, that means waking up at the crack of dawn to fight crowds at the mall to get started on your holiday shopping and score fantastic deals. If braving huge crowds and long lines isn’t your thing, here is a list of some other fun things you could be doing on that day!
Fall fashion finds from Apricot Lane, plus learn more about landing your dream job as a franchisee owner!
“We celebrate Veteran’s Day,” I said, “because that was a very hard, very dangerous job,” I said. “Many young men lost their lives on that river. Your presenter was probably thinking about them, talking to you,” I said. His eyes were round, and he fidgeted.

Pretty Perfect Packages

Pretty Perfect Packages does just that - they provide pre-packaged or customized gift boxes for all the people you want to make feel special.
Those mom friends who cleaned my house? They saved me from the brink. They kept me from sinking deep. We need to show up, moms. Our acts of kindness may be what our friends need to breathe another day. Let’s show up together.
While many never consider it as a viable option for starting or growing their family, the benefits of fostering before adopting are numerous.
My daughter LOVES toys. And clothes. And sparkly things. And Target – you name it, she probably wants it. The problem is that she is only four years old. Part of it is probably my fault and part of it comes from modern-day consumerism being at an all time high – that and Disney Junior commercials!

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