My daughter LOVES toys. And clothes. And sparkly things. And Target – you name it, she probably wants it. The problem is that she is only four years old. Part of it is probably my fault and part of it comes from modern-day consumerism being at an all time high – that and Disney Junior commercials!
I'm a Texas girl through and through, and when you've lived in this great state as long as I have, you think you've seen (and eaten) it all. Or at least I thought I had until our 3rd Annual Sister Site...
Do you feel like you're constantly buying clothes for your family, but rarely yourself? I was never a total fashionista before I became a mom, but I used to care about what I wore. So here are some clothing hacks for both mom and kids to help maximize what little time and money we do still have to devote to our wardrobes.
The JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa is THE one-stop destination for families, business, and leisure. Win a 2-Night Stay!
Are you in the midst of a life change? Maybe you’re adding a sibling to your family. Or you or your significant other recently had a job change. Or a job loss. Or you’re going through a move. Do you feel like you’re in the midst of mayhem? Like you have no idea how to keep yourself sane, let alone your family, in all of the chaos?
On the day you were born, I knew immediately that you had Down syndrome. It was hard to not be selfish with my feelings – to not immediately question how this would affect your two sisters, your dad, and me.
I was recently introduced to the Britax Advocate ClickTight car seat and their new Anti-Rebound Bar. It's the easiest car seat you will ever install.
Because it's not just sunscreen. It's car seats and plastic dishes and juice boxes... It's the hundreds of choices we have to make for our kids that keep us up at night, hoping and worrying that we made the right decision; if we provided our children with the absolute best. While I appreciate having a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips, it can also be overwhelming.
The kids are back in school. Halloween decorations are showing up in the stores. You know what that means??? The holidays are RIGHT around the corner… and with that comes holiday photos!
In that moment, I had a choice. I could have left it as is and hoped she didn’t do it again. Or, I could make sure she heard this message loud and clear. Since this was a situation that put her health and life at risk, I went with the latter.

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