Gratitude. It's that spontaneous, warm and fuzzy feeling we get sometimes that makes us smile, lowers our heart rate and reduces stress. It's the appreciation of value without regard to monetary worth. In this fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into...
City Mom Collective is proud of the work our Sister Sites are doing to connect moms in their communities nationwide. Sister Site :: Houston Moms | Years In Network :: 8 | Co-Owners ::  Meagan Clanahan & Jarred King Houston Moms is the number...
As the weather turns cooler, I feel the age-old pull to cook and bake and savor the delicious smells that creep into the nooks and crannies of our home. How about you? Are you a connoisseur of winter and...
At City Mom Collective we know that the best place to source reliable information is from fellow MOMS! Fall is here! Cooler temps, sweaters, football, LEGGINGS and all things pumpkin spice make for a happy mom! While we welcome the...
Kids’ eyes can change quickly. Each year, our son goes to the ophthalmologist. Each year, his prescription changes. Significantly. And each year, I ask how much it would cost to buy a second pair of glasses for our son. A backup. He’s...
At City Mom Collective we know that the best place to source reliable information is from fellow MOMS! Summer days are winding down and the school year is right around the corner.  We have rounded up some of our team's...
Who’s ready for for their kids to head back to school?!? It’s a bittersweet time. We love summer and try to eke maximum fun and relaxation out of each day. But by the end of three months, the kids are...
At City Mom Collective we know that the best place to source reliable information is from fellow MOMS! Summertime is for fun in the sun but it is also a time to keep skin health in mind.  From prevention to...
As a child, I spent countless hours in the sun.  My first job was walking beans — read about it here, if you’re not from the Midwest. I would lie out any chance I got, preferably in a bikini to...
At City Mom Collective we know that the best place to source reliable information is from fellow MOMS! The school year is ending, temps are rising and things are starting to feel a bit more "normal" for the first time...

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